Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2, 2008

Hello Parents,
The provincial test is officially over for this year. Everything went off without a hitch and the students really enjoyed the three days. Thank you for the generous donations of snacks and drinks for the students. They were able to meet the demands of the test situation with enthusiasm and confidence. The students worked hard to demonstrate their knowledge gained over the last three years of school.

As we are in the last 17 days of school there are a few dates of importance for you to be aware of:
Spring Concert for grades 1- 3 on Wed. June 4th. The concert begins at 6:30pm but children are expected to be in their classroom by 6:00pm sharp.
Track and Field meet at Centennial Park - June 5th
Pizza Lunch - Friday June 6th
Grade 4 White Elephant sale - June 17th
Play Day - June 20th
Lunch on the Lawn - June 25

So, it will be another busy month as we close out the 2007-2008 school year.
Thank you for your support throughout the year. It is much appreciated.
The Grade Three Team

Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5, 2008

Hello parents. We hope everyone enjoyed Springfest this year in spite of the rain. The committee did a terrific job organizing all of the events!

In the classroom, we are all working hard preparing the kids for the upcoming EQAO assessment. Please remember not to book any appointments during the last week of May. We are practising test questions with the help of our Math and Language consultants.

We are learning that a good math strategy includes a thorough ANSWER with organized PROOF and insightful supporting evidence - EXPLAIN. Ask your child about APE.

We are learning that a good reading or writing response includes a clear ANSWER using words from the question, providing PROOF from the text and EXTENDING with personal knowledge and clear inferences. Ask your child about APE.

In Science we are working on soils and plants. Some of the classes had a visit from the Scientist last week who gave and excellent overview of soils. Thank you to all the parent volunteers. We would appreciate it if you could donate a small flowering plant for our work on plants. Thank you.

We have been comparing and contrasting Urban and Rural Communities in Social Studies. We will soon be starting our research in the library and the classroom. The children will then compile their facts into a short report.

The grade three team wishes all moms a relaxing day on Sunday!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Calling all photographers!

All of you avid photographers out there...the LINK is looking for you!
To fill this year's LINK DVD with photos, they are looking for you to submit any shots you have taken on disc to the LINK folder in the office or send them via email to:

thank you

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Happy Easter and Welcome Spring!

Have a wonderful Easter weekend with friends and family, we look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday the 25th! Perhaps the Easter Bunny will bring the spring weather!

Coming soon...
Report cards will be coming home on April 1st. If you haven't heard from your child's teacher as of yet, an interview is not necessary at this time. Second term interviews are primarily for students at risk of losing their promotion.

Term Three begins in April and some math units the grade threes will be covering are Linear Measurement, Transitional Geometry, Data Management and Probability. Science will include Soil and Plants; while the social studies focus will be Urban and Rural Development. The language focus will be novels, fables, report writing and continued development of the APE (answer-prove-extend) technique.

EQAO has been booked for May 26-28. Please try not to schedule appointments for your child over this period so that he/she isn't having to make up part of the test at alternate times.

The LINK is looking for any and all photos that parents may have taken over the course of the year. They can be sent directly to the organizers online and hopefully we'll have lots of great memories!


Monday, March 3, 2008

March Break is just around the corner (Mar 10th - 14th)

We hope everyone has a safe and restful March Break!
We look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday March 17th (St. Patrick's Day)

ROM Trip - March 20th
Good Friday - March 21st - no school
Easter Monday - March 24th - no school

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ms. I's and Ms. Perry's ROM TRIP

Students in Ms. I's and Ms. Perry's class will take a trip to the ROM on Thursday March 20th. Please watch for permission forms coming home this week (March 5th).

Please contact your teacher directly if you have further questions.

Scientist in the School - FRIDAY FEB 22

Students in Ms. Iafrate, Ms. Perry and Mrs. Bradshaw's classes enjoyed a half day experimenting with strong and stable structures. Here is a brief overview of the hands on activities the children had the opportunity to experience.

Under Construction - students developed a supporting framework (a structure), explored the importance of shape and design, strength and stability.

Bridges - students used a variety of different materials to test a load.

Arches, Barrel Vaults and Domes - students were introduced to these ancient structural elements, and had the chance to build their own. They learned what a "buttress" was used for.

Foundations - students investigated a variety of foundations that are used to keep a structure stable (Rock, Clay and Sand).

Tension and Compression - Tension and compression are key forces explaining how structures stay up and why they fall down. Students learned that tension is a pulling force and compression is a pushing force.

Our culminating task at the end of the session was to build a bridge using all that newspaper. Each group worked together to build a part of the bridge that would eventually hold a load of 40+ books! The children were amazed!

Thank-you to all parent volunteers and our grade 7 helpers!