Friday, October 26, 2007

Addendum Oct.26

...and one more item!
The grade eights will host a "Haunted House" next Weds. in the portable, it is NOT at lunch as in the past but during the school day. Classes have been scheduled and each child is asked to bring $2 to support the grade 8 grad trip fund. Many thanks!

secret word...BOO!

Friday, October 26, 2007 - Welcome!

Welcome Parents/Guardians and Families,
This will be the place for our Grade Three "Blog"!
You will be able to log in and read general Grade 3 news, curriculum and classroom related, for all Lambton Kingsway grade threes. How cool is that?

Up and coming...
Today is our first Pizza Day...mmmmm
Next week we will be enjoying a presentation on bullying - "The Power of One"- and of course assorted Halloween activities, including the Parade. What a great tradition...see everyone in their Halloween finest, 9a.m.'ish!
Don't forget next Friday will be a PA Day also.

Cheers, your Grade 3 Teachers

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oct 22, 2007

Welcome to the Grade 3 Blog!

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Welcome to the Grade 3 Blog