Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Book Talk - Ms. I and Ms. Perry

Grade Three students will be presenting their "Book Talks" next week, beginning on Tuesday, January 29. A schedule will be set and sent home in the Friday Folders this week so that your child knows when he/she will be presenting. On the day of their presentation please ensure that your child brings their book and all related written work to school. Practising at home is a good idea! Thank you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

January News

Welcome Back! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful holiday gifts and cards, your thoughtfulness and generosity were very much appreciated. Many thanks.

Here is a brief overview of what we will be working on in the next few months...
Social Studies - continuing with the Early Settlers Unit
Science - finishing up Forces
In writing - letter writing, poetry, paragraphs, sentence structure, grammar and spelling
In reading - comprehension, focussing on "retell, relate, reflect" with reading materials, novel studies, reading groups and book talks (**More info on Book Talks was sent in the Friday Folders on Jan.11)
Math-multiplication and division - practise, practise, practise!
Also- area, perimeter, 2 and 3D geometry and addition/subtraction with 3 digits
Media - print advertising, could each child bring in one section of a newspaper to study in class

We look forward to more great work in 2008! Your grade three teachers.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Welcome Back!

Welcome to 2008! We hope everyone enjoyed safe and happy holidays.

Ms. Perry and Ms. Iafrate's grade threes will be visiting the Etobicoke Field Study Centre on Friday of this week. This trip goes rain or shine so please make sure your child is dressed in weather appropriate clothing - we will be outdoors most of our day! The children will need a pair of indoor shoes as well as a garbageless lunch- reusable containers all the way please!

"Book Talk" - All grade threes were asked to choose and begin reading a book about which they will be giving a "talk" in the class. Please don't worry about "due" dates, we will let you know when your child will be expected to present as the art portion of this project will be done in-class and will need to be completed first. Read your books carefully and thoroughly and write complete answers that will help you give your best presentation!