Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ms. I's and Ms. Perry's ROM TRIP

Students in Ms. I's and Ms. Perry's class will take a trip to the ROM on Thursday March 20th. Please watch for permission forms coming home this week (March 5th).

Please contact your teacher directly if you have further questions.

Scientist in the School - FRIDAY FEB 22

Students in Ms. Iafrate, Ms. Perry and Mrs. Bradshaw's classes enjoyed a half day experimenting with strong and stable structures. Here is a brief overview of the hands on activities the children had the opportunity to experience.

Under Construction - students developed a supporting framework (a structure), explored the importance of shape and design, strength and stability.

Bridges - students used a variety of different materials to test a load.

Arches, Barrel Vaults and Domes - students were introduced to these ancient structural elements, and had the chance to build their own. They learned what a "buttress" was used for.

Foundations - students investigated a variety of foundations that are used to keep a structure stable (Rock, Clay and Sand).

Tension and Compression - Tension and compression are key forces explaining how structures stay up and why they fall down. Students learned that tension is a pulling force and compression is a pushing force.

Our culminating task at the end of the session was to build a bridge using all that newspaper. Each group worked together to build a part of the bridge that would eventually hold a load of 40+ books! The children were amazed!

Thank-you to all parent volunteers and our grade 7 helpers!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ms. I's & Ms. Perry's Class Scientist in the School

We are looking for parent volunteers for Fri Feb 22/08 9:00 - 11:30 to help with the Scientist in the School program. If you are available to help - please let us know via your child's agenda.

Also - We need a mountain of newspaper for one of the activities. Please send any newspapers you may have at home into the school.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Scientist in the School

Grade 3 - Scientist in the school program will be on Fri. Feb 22/08.
The focus will be on Strong and Stable Structures. Check with your teacher for details.

Skating at L.K.S. Rink

The rink is up and running and we are ready to skate! Your teacher will be sending home skating permission forms.
Please note that all students must wear a proper hockey helmet (no bike helmets will be allowed). Parent volunteers always welcome!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

P.A. Day and Family Day

Just a reminder that Friday Feb 15th is a P.A. Day for students. Teachers will be attending workshops. Monday Feb 18th is our new family day holiday; we hope you enjoy time with your family! See you on Tuesday Feb 19th.

Mr. Page's Health Block

Mr. Page will begin this terms health block on Feb. 11th. Students are not required to bring gym clothes on their scheduled gym days. This health program will run until Feb 25th.