Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15/07

All grade three classes have completed a unit of study on Magnets in Science this term. The next science unit will be Energy - Forces and Movement that will take us into January.

The math program has picked up speed with the children having completed a unit on data management, number counting and patterns. Adding and subtracting and learning how to regroup will be worked on throughout the year. You can help your child at home by encouraging counting practise by 2's, 5's, 10's, 25's and 100's and memorizing easy math facts. This is an important skill as they gear up to learn multiplication in term two. We will begin 'Mad Minute' math drills soon.

Work on place value continues. Please assist your child with their homework by reading the 'Quick Review' in their take home book.

All teachers will stress to the kids that they must show their answers with pictures, numbers and words. They will be increasingly required to speak about their math and explain why they chose their answers.

In Language, the teachers are now working on paragraph writing and following that, letter writing.

We are very lucky to have Ms. Olson and Ms. Bradshaw's classes able to participate in the emersion program at Pioneer Village this year. Pioneer Village will only take a limited number from each school for this program and the other classes will have an opportunity to participate next year. Parents should now be preparing the costumes for their children.

Report cards go home on the 26th, with interviews on the 29th and 30th. See you then.